It sure was unprecedented - a pandemic of utmost gravity. It wouldn’t be wrong to say how the lives of millions of people around the world were affected by the virus and turned topsy-turvy in a matter of a few months. As the world comes to terms with the normal, businesses and private offices, too, ride the wave of change.

There has been a change in trends that has been witnessed in private office spaces post the pandemic and it has challenged the idea of huge centralised office spaces. As India consciously makes its way towards relaxing lockdowns, a lot of us are beginning to think of a time when we can stop working from our beds and dining tables and return to the good old office times. Yet, without a vaccine, people have started to accept the new aspects of workspaces, whether it is from within the comfort of homes, a shared working space or an extremely hygienic and safe office space.
Pune, the second major IT hub of India, has certainly undergone a change in its private office spaces. From work-from-home and moving to shared work spaces to opting for meeting rooms in Pune, there has been a substantial shift in the way work gets done in the city. And no one can ignore the fact that this could be the way things will be done going forward.
Distributed offices and working on a rota basis
Unsurprisingly, many are hailing the end of the age-old workspaces and the arrival (or return) of private offices. Let’s take for instance, conference rooms in Pune could be used as offices till COVID protocols are relaxed. Although it would accommodate very few people, it does the job brilliantly. Distributed office is another trend that has been noticed since the pandemic. Avoiding a bustling central office and instead, opting for a couple of smaller offices closer to the staffs’ residences can help in reducing the chances of contracting the virus that would otherwise happen due to the taking the public transport. In the near future, it looks like work-from-home will be the order of the day, even after the orders are lifted. In the short-term, it seems likely that many of us will remain working from home even after government orders to do so are lifted.
A shift in the way office space works and looks
Work-from-home is not everyone’s cup of tea and many long to go back to their offices, back to their own cubicles and organised work. But with the prevalence of the virus, such a thought has no place in our current scenario and beyond that, offices will have to undergo major changes for people to feel safe and protected there. And that could signal towards a reversal in the traditional office style. For ages, employees working in traditional offices have functioned with little or no privacy. It could be a swanky looking office where you can see all the employees in plain sight. But in the present age and time, that would mean exposure to germs. A shift from the open office style to options like training rooms in Pune is a safer and better bet in this time of uncertainty.
A drop in the demand for coworking spaces
With a large number of offices being shut owing to the pandemic, coworking spaces have also been facing the crunch of the situation. Despite their formal ambience, conducive environment and board rooms in Pune, social distancing rules and regulations have led to a reduction in the number of desks. It has also led to companies stalling their plans to expand.
There has been a substantial shift in the way private office spaces work in Pune, and we can rest assured that they are all for the best, helping us forge ahead towards a future of our dreams.